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Self-Assessment Time
Management Questionnaire

Rate yourself on the following scale by assigning a numerical rating

We want to get to know you:


Let's get started:

I am continually conscious that time is my most critical resource.
I know what habits I have that keep me from using my time effectively.
I have clearly written out lifetime and one to three-year goals.
I use a formal system for organizing a weekly work plan.
I make a fresh new "to do" list each workday.
I place a priority code next to all items on my daily "to do" list.
I set my priorities according to their importance, not their urgency.
I know my prime work times.
I use my prime work times to complete important tasks.
I have an effective system for incorporating items from my lifetime, and one to three-year goal list into my daily work tasks.
I am conscious of my true reasons for procrastination.
I know when I am avoiding tasks out of fear.

Thanks for submitting!

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